Thursday, November 29, 2012


Ready for me to bore you with my musings? I've decided (haha, lets see if this works) that in order for me to ever really get consistent at blog posts that I'm just going to have to start, no matter how short, boring or unintentionally my posts turn out to be. Eventually I'll get more efficient with my time and produce higher quality stuff quicker. But for now you'll have to suffer through poor grammar and mundane anecdotes.

Something that has been on my mind a lot lately is the idea of consistency. I used to think that doing the same thing all of the time was boring and monotonous. However, lately I've recognized, more than ever, how necessary routine and sameness is! Regular study hours leads to the mastery of the material, daily practice at a skill produces artists and consistent scripture study is, in part, the foundation for spiritual giants. These things I know (and knew) but I would get distracted by doing other things, stretching myself in different directions, consequently destroying my routines and good habits. Let me give you a real life example... So I am in a Dance class. Why? A number of reasons, but for now lets just say to impress the ladies and to have fun. Did I need to take this class? Nope. Could I have done something less time intensive? Yep. The reason I'm semi-unhappy with my choice to take the course is that all too often I did not get to sleep early enough the night before and to keep up with my daily routine I need to be up at 6 in order to study the scriptures, exercise and get to dance by 9. The pressure to get all that needs to be done in the mornings often destroys my morning study. Dance is just one of the "extra" things that weight down on the shoulders. I'm an EE major taking 8 credits degree relevant courses, a religion credit, two activity courses, the aforementioned dance class, BYU Singers (, a seminar course, I'm the president of a club (, I pretend to be a TA, I'm neck deep in a brand new fellowship on campus (, I have a church calling, I'm in a dinner group, I'm starting a business with my brother, I'm trying to have a social life, stay in shape, and go climbing from time to time... (a bunch of things I listed in my "expert" post) and I like to sleep. I didn't list these things as a "badge of honor" (President Uchtdorf's Talk) but rather to illustrate how many ways life can be demanding. How am I supposed to be consistent with all of this going on? The answer I've come to... you can't!... at least the way things are. I'm convinced that people can handle the amount of interests that I have (because I've met them) but they are wizards at this time management/consistency game. This winter semester I'm taking a step back. I don't need to be involved in a billion different things. I need to be focused and dedicated to less (still diversified) causes. I need to finally take the advise from President Uchtdorf's talks and learn to appreciate the moments. I need to internalize principles and create things of real value. Racing to the finish has left me with half developed talents and a shoty memory of foundational principles. Taking the needed time and being consistent with a few things will be a much better way to live. Anyway, it's bed time. Food for thought. Please share your insights. Till next time.